Sustainable development – that’s what Cukier Nyskie is focusing on!

Small steps mean a lot!

Spółdzielnia Pracy Cukry Nyskie meets contemporary challenges by taking decisive actions for sustainable development. Nowadays, when more and more companies recognize the need to change their practices to be more ecological and socially responsible, Cukier Nyskie sets ambitious goals. The company focuses not only on providing high-quality products, but also on minimizing its impact on the environment and promoting animal welfare. Sustainable development has become an inherent element of our activities, which is manifested by taking specific actions aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, limiting the consumption of natural resources and promoting ethical practices in production.

Withdrawal of eggs from cage farming

As part of its sustainable development strategy, Cukier Nyskie has completely phased out eggs from cage farming. This is another step towards more ethical production. Instead of relying on conventional methods, the company wants to act with respect for animals.

Photovoltaic installation

In April 2023, Cukry Nyskie installed photovoltaic panels on the roof of its finished products warehouse. This investment not only contributed to reducing CO2 emissions by 33 tons (04/23-04/24), but also constitutes a manifestation of the company’s commitment to the use of renewable energy sources. Thanks to this, Cukry Nyskie has not only reduced its impact on the environment, but also taken a step towards energy independence. The equivalent of this change is almost 1,000 trees!


Cukier Nyskie also takes action to protect the environment by recycling waste. As part of its activities, the company actively segregates waste and organizes educational campaigns in the field of environmental protection. The cooperative reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and supports the sustainable development of the local community. This is another step towards caring for the natural environment, which fits perfectly into the activities of Cukiery Nyskie.

author: Spec. Marketing Emilia Job


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