Dear Client, We would like to inform you that the versions of our “Privacy Policy” and “Conditions of Use & Sale” that you are currently viewing have been translated for your convenience to provide an overall understanding of their content. Please note that these translations are intended to help you comprehend the general information contained within these documents. However, in the event of any discrepancies or conflicts, only the original, non-translated versions of these documents are legally binding.

1. This Privacy Policy sets out the rules for the processing of personal data obtained through the online store (hereinafter referred to as the “Online Store”).
2. The owner of the Online Store and the data administrator is Spółdzielnia Pracy CUKRY NYSKIE with its registered office: Al. Wojska Polskiego 9, 48-300 Nysa, NIP 7530000744, hereinafter referred to as CUKRY NYSKIE.
3. Personal data collected by CUKRY NYSKIE via the Online Store are processed in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016. on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), also known as GDPR.
4. CUKRY NYSKIE takes special care to respect the privacy of customers visiting the Online Store.

§ 1 Type of data processed, purposes and legal basis

1. CUKRY NYSKIE collects information about natural persons who are consumers.
2. Customers’ personal data are collected in the event of:
a) registering an account in the Online Store in order to create an individual account and manage this account. Legal basis: necessity to perform the contract for the provision of the Account service (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR);
b) placing an order in the Online Store in order to execute the sales contract. Legal basis: necessity to perform the sales contract (Art. 6 section 1 lit.
b GDPR);
c) subscription to the information bulletin (Newsletter) in order to perform the contract, the subject of which is a service provided electronically. Legal basis – consent of the data subject to perform the contract for the provision of the Newsletter service (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR);
d) use the service, post an opinion in order to perform the contract, the subject of which is a service provided electronically. Legal basis – necessity to perform the contract for the provision of the service, post an opinion (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR).
e) conducting analytical, marketing or online remarketing activities. Legal basis – consent of the data subject, expressed by means of an activity confirming consent in the form of checking a checkbox or in the form of consent to install cookies for the marketing or analytical solutions used;
f) customer satisfaction surveys. Legal basis: the necessity of processing to pursue the legally justified interest of CUKROWY NYSKI, consisting in ensuring and maintaining high quality of service and the level of customer satisfaction with products and services (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).
3. When registering an account in the Online Store, the Customer provides:
a) e-mail address.
4. When registering an account in the Online Store, the Customer independently sets an individual password to access his account. The customer may change the password at a later time, according to the rules described in §6.
5. When placing an order in the Online Store, the Customer provides the following data:
a) e-mail address;
b) address details:
a. post code and city;
b. country;
c. street and house/apartment number.
c) name and surname;
d) telephone number.
6. If you use the Newsletter service, the Customer only provides his e-mail address.
7. If you use the service, post a review, the customer only provides his/her nickname, nickname or name.
8. In the case of customer satisfaction surveys, CUKRY NYSKIE processes the following data:
a) e-mail address;
b) order number.
9. When using the Store’s Website, additional information may be downloaded, in particular: the IP address assigned to the Customer’s computer or the external IP address of the Internet provider, domain name, browser type, access time, operating system type.
10. Navigation data may also be collected from Customers, including:
information about links and references they decide to click or other actions they take,
For more information, please contact us. Legal basis – legally justified interest
(Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR), consisting in facilitating the use of services provided by road
electronically and on improving the functionality of these services.
11. In order to determine, pursue and enforce claims, some personal data provided by the Customer as part of using the functionality in the Online Store may be processed, such as: name, surname, data regarding the use of services, if the claims result from the way in which the Customer uses services, other data necessary to prove the existence of the claim, including the extent of the damage suffered. Legal basis – legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR), consisting in determining, pursuing and enforcing claims and defending against claims in proceedings before courts and other state authorities.
12. CUKRY NYSKIE processes personal data including: name, surname, e-mail address, as well as answers to prepared questions as part of the satisfaction survey and forms used for satisfaction surveys. Participation in such actions is voluntary.
13. The transfer of personal data to CUKRÓW NYSKICH is voluntary in connection with concluded sales contracts or the provision of services via the Store’s Website, provided, however, that failure to provide the data specified in the forms in the Registration process makes it impossible to register and set up a Customer Account, and in the case of placing an order without registering a Customer Account, it will prevent the Customer from placing and processing the order.

§ 2 Sharing or entrusting data

1. Dane osobowe Klienta przekazywane są dostawcom usług, z których korzystają CUKRY NYSKIE p1. The Customer’s personal data is transferred to service providers used by CUKRY NYSKIE when running the Online Store.rzy prowadzeniu Sklepu Internetowego. Service providers to whom personal data are transferred, depending on contractual arrangements and circumstances, are either subject to the instructions of CUKRÓW NYSKI as to the purposes and methods of processing this data (processors) or independently determine the purposes and methods of their processing (controllers).
a) Processors. CUKRY NYSKIE uses suppliers who process personal data only on the instructions of CUKRY NYSKIE. These include, among others: suppliers providing hosting services, accounting services, providing marketing systems, customer satisfaction survey systems, systems for analyzing traffic in the Online Store, systems for analyzing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns;
b) Administrators. CUKRY NYSKIE uses suppliers who do not act solely on orders and determine the purposes and methods of using customers’ personal data themselves. They provide electronic payment, banking and postal services.
2. Location. Service providers are based mainly in Poland and other countries of the European Economic Area (EEA). Some of the suppliers are based outside the EEA. In connection with the transfer of data outside the EEA, the Administrator made sure that suppliers guarantee a high level of personal data protection. These guarantees result in particular from the obligation to apply standard contractual clauses adopted by the Commission (EU) or to participate in the Data Privacy Framework
3. Customers’ personal data are stored:
a) If the basis for the processing of personal data is consent, then the Customer’s personal data are processed by CUKRY NYSKIE until the consent is withdrawn, and after the consent is withdrawn, for a period of time corresponding to the limitation period for claims that may be raised by CUKRY NYSKIE and which may be raised against him. Unless a specific provision provides otherwise, the limitation period is six years, and for claims for periodic benefits and claims related to running a business – three years.
b) If the basis for data processing is the performance of a contract, then the Customer’s personal data are processed by CUKRY NYSKIE for as long as it is necessary to perform the contract, and after that time for a period corresponding to the limitation period for claims. Unless a specific provision provides otherwise, the limitation period is six years, and for claims for periodic benefits and claims related to running a business – three years.
4. If you make a purchase in the Online Store, personal data may be transferred, depending on the Customer’s choice, to the following entities in order to deliver the ordered goods:
a) courier company;
b) InPost Paczkomaty Sp. z o.o. based in Kraków, providing delivery services and operating a post office box system (Paczkomaty);
c) Poczta Polska S.A. based in Warsaw;
d) Ruch S.A. based in Warsaw, providing delivery services within sales points.
5. If the Customer chooses to pay via the PayU system, his or her personal data is transferred to the extent necessary to process the payment to PayU S.A. based in Poznań (60-166), ul. Grunwaldzka 182, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court Poznań – Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000274399.
6. If the Customer chooses to pay via the “ratyPayU” installment system, his or her personal data is transferred to the extent necessary to process the payment to PayU S.A. based in Poznań (60-324 Poznań, ul. Grunwaldzka 182), entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court Poznań – Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000274399.
7. CUKRY NYSKIE, with the express and voluntary consent of the Customer, may transfer the Customer’s personal data to Opineo Sp. z o. o. based in Wrocław (50-381 Wrocław, ul. Marii Curie – Skłodowskiej 12), entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for Wrocław Fabryczna in Wrocław, 6th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number: 0000357466, for sending by Opineo Sp. z o. o. based in Poznań, to the Customer’s e-mail address, a survey intended to obtain the Customer’s opinion on the transaction made by the Customer in the Online Store.
8. CUKRY NYSKIE, with the express and voluntary consent of the Customer, may transfer the Customer’s personal data to Ceneo Sp. z o. o. based in Poznań (60-166 Poznań, ul. Grunwaldzka 182), entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court Poznań – Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number: 0000493884, for sending by Ceneo Sp. z o. o. based in Poznań, to the Customer’s e-mail address, a survey intended to obtain the Customer’s opinion on the transaction made by the Customer in the Online Store.
9. Navigation data may be used to provide customers with better service, analyze statistical data and adapt the Online Store to customer preferences, as well as administer the Online Store.
10. If the Customer subscribes to the newsletter (Newsletter), CUKRY NYSKIE will send electronic messages containing commercial information about promotions and new products available in the Online Store to his e-mail address.
11. If a request is made, CUKRY NYSKIE provides personal data to authorized state authorities, in particular organizational units of the Prosecutor’s Office, the Police, the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection or the President of the Office of Electronic Communications.
12. CUKRY NYSKIE provides a “Like” plug-in of the social networking site (administrator of Facebook Ireland based in Ireland), hereinafter referred to as: Facebook, on the Store’s Website. Through the “Like” plug-in, Facebook collects information about the Customer’s device, i.e.: operating system, hardware and software versions, battery consumption level, signal strength, available memory, browser type, names and types of applications and files, and installed plug-ins. Additionally, Facebook collects information about device-related activities and behaviors, such as whether a window is open in the foreground or background, or information about mouse movements that help distinguish humans from bots, unique identifiers, device IDs, and other identifiers, such as from games , applications or accounts used by the Customer, family device identifiers (or other identifiers unique to Facebook products, associated with the same device or account). Facebook collects information, i.e.: signals from the device, including Bluetooth signals and information about Wi-Fi access points, beacons and mobile network transmitters located nearby, data from device settings, including information that, with the Customer’s consent, is obtained via device settings enabled by him, e.g. access to the Customer’s GPS location, camera or photos. In terms of networks and connections, Facebook collects information, i.e.: the name of the mobile network operator or Internet provider used by the Customer, language, time zone, mobile phone number, IP address, connection speed, and in some cases information about other devices nearby or on the Customer’s network. If the Customer uses a web browser while browsing the Website and is logged in to his or her Facebook user account, the “Like” plug-in sends information about the visit to the CUKRÓW NYSKIE Website to Facebook. The data obtained by Facebook includes your Facebook user ID (known only to Facebook), the website you are visiting, the date and time and the data referred to above. The purpose of collecting data by Facebook is to use the information obtained to personalize the content presented on Facebook and to improve the services provided by Facebook. If the Customer additionally uses the “Like” function available on the CUKRÓW NYSKICH Website, this action will be recorded by Facebook as the content that the Customer prefers. If the Customer, while browsing the CUKRÓW NYSKI Website, uses a web browser in which he or she is not logged in to his or her Facebook account or does not have a Facebook account, the “Like” plug-in sends information to Facebook about the page visited, the date and time of the visit and data referred to above. The purpose of collecting data by Facebook is to improve the services provided by Facebook.

§ 3 Cookie mechanism, IP address

1. The Online Store uses small files called cookies. They are saved by CUKRY NYSKIE on the end device of the person visiting the Online Store, if the web browser allows it. A cookie file usually contains the name of the domain from which it comes, its “expiration time” and an individual, randomly selected number identifying the file. Information collected using this type of files helps adapt the products offered by CUKRY NYSKIE to the individual preferences and actual needs of people visiting the Online Store. They also provide the opportunity to develop general statistics of visits to the presented products in the Online Store.
2. CUKRY NYSKIE uses two types of cookies:
a) Session cookies: after ending the browser session or turning off the computer, the saved information is deleted from the device’s memory. The session cookies mechanism does not allow downloading any personal data or any confidential information from Customers’ computers.
b) Persistent cookies: they are stored in the memory of the Customer’s end device and remain there until they are deleted or expire. The persistent cookies mechanism does not allow downloading any personal data or any confidential information from the Customer’s computer.
3. CUKRY NYSKIE uses its own cookies to:
a) authenticating the Customer in the Online Store and ensuring the Customer’s session in the Online Store (after logging in), thanks to which the Customer does not have to re-enter the login and password on each subpage of the Online Store;
b) analysis and research as well as audience audit, in particular for creation
anonymous statistics that help understand how customers use
Store Website, which allows improving its structure and content.
4. CUKRY NYSKIE uses external cookies to:
a) popularizing the Online Store using the social networking site (external cookie administrator: Meta Platforms Ireland Limited based in Ireland);
b) presenting advertisements tailored to the Customer’s preferences using the online advertising tool (external cookie administrator: Meta Platforms Ireland Limited based in Ireland);
c) presenting the overall score of the store, which is downloaded from the external website (external cookie administrator: Opineo Sp. z o. o. based in Wrocław);
d) presenting advertisements tailored to the Customer’s preferences using the Google Ads online advertising tool (external cookie administrator: Google Ireland Limited based in Ireland);
e) presenting multimedia content on the Store’s websites,
which are downloaded from an external website
(external cookie controller: Google Ireland Limited based in Ireland);
f) collecting general and anonymous static data via Google Analytics analytical tools (external cookie administrator: Google LLC based in the USA);
5. The cookie mechanism is safe for the computers of the Online Store’s customers. In particular, this way it is not possible for viruses or other unwanted software or malware to reach the Customer’s computers. However, in their browsers, customers have the option of limiting or disabling access to cookies on their computers. If you use this option, you will be able to use the Online Store, except for functions that by their nature require cookies.
6. CUKRY NYSKIE may collect Customers’ IP addresses. The IP address is a number assigned to the computer of a person visiting the Online Store by the Internet service provider. The IP number allows you to access the Internet. In most cases, it is assigned to the computer dynamically, i.e. changes every time you connect to the Internet. The IP address is used by CUKRY NYSKIE to diagnose technical problems with the server, create statistical analyzes (e.g. determining from which regions we receive the most visits), as information useful in administering and improving the Online Store, as well as for security purposes and possible identification of server-loading issues. , undesirable automatic programs for viewing the content of the Online Store.

§ 4 Rights of data subjects

1. The right to withdraw consent – legal basis: art. 7 section 3 GDPR.
a) The customer has the right to withdraw any consent he has given to CUKRY NYSKIE
b) Withdrawal of consent takes effect from the moment of withdrawal.
c) Withdrawal of consent does not affect the processing carried out by CUKRY NYSKIE in accordance with the law before its withdrawal.
d) Withdrawal of consent does not result in any negative consequences for the Customer, but may prevent further use of services or functionalities which, in accordance with the law, CUKRY NYSKIE can only provide with consent.
2. The right to object to data processing – legal basis: art. 21 GDPR.
a) The customer has the right to object at any time – for reasons related to his particular situation – to the processing of his personal data, including profiling, if CUKRY NYSKIE processes his data based on a legitimate interest, e.g. marketing of products and services, running statistics on the use of individual functionalities of the Online Store and facilitating the use of the Online Store, as well as satisfaction surveys.
b) Resignation by e-mail from receiving marketing messages regarding products or services will mean the Customer’s objection to the processing of his personal data, including profiling for these purposes.
c) If the Customer’s objection turns out to be justified and CUKRY NYSKIE has no other legal basis for processing personal data, the Customer’s personal data will be deleted, to the processing of which the Customer has objected.
3. The right to delete data (“right to be forgotten”) – legal basis: art. 17 GDPR.
a) The customer has the right to request the deletion of all or some personal data.
b) The customer has the right to request the deletion of personal data if:
a. the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or processed;
b. withdrew specific consent, to the extent that personal data were processed based on his consent;
c. has objected to the use of his data for marketing purposes;
d. personal data are processed unlawfully;
e. personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation under Union law or the law of the Member State to which CUKRY NYSKIE is subject;
f. the personal data were collected in connection with the offering of information society services.
c) Despite the request to delete personal data in connection with raising an objection or withdrawing consent, CUKRY NYSKIE may retain certain personal data to the extent that processing is necessary to establish, pursue or defend claims, as well as to fulfill a legal obligation requiring processing. under Union law or the law of a Member State to which NYS SUGARS is subject. This applies in particular to personal data including: name, surname, e-mail address, which data is retained for the purpose of considering complaints and claims related to the use of CUKRÓW NYSKICH services, and additionally the residential address/correspondence address, order number, which the data is retained for the purpose of considering complaints and claims related to concluded sales contracts or the provision of services. The data storage period for settlement purposes is 5 years, counting from the end of the calendar year in which the tax payment deadline related to the concluded contract expired. This is related to the expiry of the limitation period for tax liabilities in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
4. The right to limit data processing – legal basis: art. 18 GDPR.
a) The customer has the right to request restriction of the processing of his personal data. Submitting a request, until it is considered, prevents the use of certain functionalities or services, the use of which will involve the processing of the data covered by the request.
b) The customer has the right to request restriction of the use of personal data in the following cases:
a. when you question the accuracy of your personal data – then their use is limited to the time needed to verify the accuracy of the data, but no longer than 30 days;
b. when the data processing is unlawful and instead of deleting the data, the Customer requests restriction of their use;
c. when personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or used, but they are needed by the Client to establish, pursue or defend claims;
d. when he has objected to the use of his data – then the limitation is for the time needed to consider whether – due to the special situation – the protection of the interests, rights and freedoms of the Customer outweighs the interests pursued by the Administrator by processing the Customer’s personal data.
5. Right to access data – legal basis: art. 15 GDPR.
a) The Customer has the right to obtain from the Administrator confirmation whether he or she processes personal data, and if this is the case, the Customer has the right to:
a. access your personal data;
b. obtain information about the purposes of processing, categories of personal data processed, about the recipients or categories of recipients of this data, the planned period of storage of the Customer’s data or about the criteria for determining this period (when determining the planned period of data processing is not possible), about the rights of the Customer under the GDPR, and about the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, about the source of this data, about automated decision-making, including profiling, and about the safeguards used in connection with the transfer of this data outside the European Union;
c. obtain a copy of your personal data.
6. The right to rectify data – legal basis: art. 16 GDPR.
a) The Customer has the right to request the Administrator to immediately correct his or her personal data that is incorrect. Taking into account the purposes of processing, the data subject has the right to request that incomplete personal data be completed, including by submitting an additional statement, sending the request to the e-mail address in accordance with §7 of the Privacy Policy.
7. The right to transfer data – legal basis: art. 20 GDPR.
a) The Customer has the right to receive his personal data that he provided to the Administrator and then send them to another personal data administrator of his choice. The Customer also has the right to request that personal data be sent by the Administrator directly to such an administrator, if technically possible. In such a case, the Administrator will send the Customer’s personal data in the form of a file in the CSV format, which is a commonly used, machine-readable format that allows the received data to be sent to another personal data administrator.
8. If the Customer exercises the rights resulting from the above-mentioned rights, CUKRY NYSKIE shall comply with the request or refuse to comply with it immediately, but no later than within one month after receiving it. However, if – due to the complexity of the request or the number of requests – CUKRY NYSKIE is unable to meet the request within a month, it will meet it within the next two months by informing the Customer within one month of receiving the request – about the intended extension of the deadline and its reasons.
9. The Customer may submit to the Administrator complaints, inquiries and requests regarding the processing of his personal data and the exercise of his rights.
10. The customer has the right to request a copy of standard contractual clauses by submitting an inquiry in the manner indicated in §7 of the Privacy Policy.
11. The Customer has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection regarding a violation of his rights to the protection of personal data or other rights granted under the GDPR.

§ 5 Services tailored to preferences and interests (profiling)

1. Profiling means any form of automated Processing of Personal Data, which consists in using Personal Data to evaluate certain personal factors of a Natural Person, in particular to analyze or predict aspects regarding the work performance of this Natural Person, his/her economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, credibility, behavior, location or movement.
2. Customers’ personal data may be processed in an automated manner (profiling), however, this will not produce any legal effects for them or similarly significantly affect the situation of customers.
3. Profiling of personal data by CUKRY NYSKIE involves processing Customer data in an automated and manual manner, by using it to evaluate certain information about the Customer, in particular to analyze or forecast his or her personal preferences and interests.
4. In order to reach the Customer with marketing messages outside the Online Store Website, CUKRY NYSKIE uses the services of external suppliers. These services involve displaying marketing messages on websites other than the Online Store Website.

§ 6 Security management – ​​password

1. CUKRY NYSKIE provides Customers with a safe and encrypted connection when sending personal data and when logging in to the Customer Account on the Website.
2. If the Customer who has an account in the Store has lost the access password in any way, the Online Store allows you to generate a new password.

§ 7 Changes to the Privacy Policy

1. The Privacy Policy may change, about which CUKRY NYSKIE will inform customers 7 days in advance.
2. Correspondence regarding all matters related to this Privacy Policy should be sent to the e-mail address: