Jubilee of 50 years of Mr. Ryszard Hilenbrand’s work

“I came to work for 6 months, I stayed 50 years” – this is how Mr. Ryszard Hilenbrand summed up his holiday, who today (December 27, 22) celebrates the 50th anniversary of working in our Labor Cooperative

Congratulations to Mr Ryszard on his Golden Jubilee!
We wish you more years of work in the best health and a sense of fulfillment in your professional and private life. Thank you for valuable knowledge and invaluable experience gained over the years.

Below is a short interview with Mr. Ryszard Hilenbrand, who on the occasion of the Jubilee of 50 years of work answered a few questions (including whether he recommends young people work in one place for many years).

  • How did it happen that you started working in Cukry Nyskie?

    The fact that I started working in Cukry Nyskie was a great coincidence. It was supposed to be a young man’s job only from December to the holidays, and life has shown that he can play tricks and today I celebrate the Golden Jubilee. Of course, my various family histories also played a part in this.
    In the Cooperative I dealt with many things; I designed packaging, monitored the market, and finally became the Head of Purchasing, which I have been for 30 years. Years flew by, life flew by and on December 27 of this year, a decade passed.

  • What is so special about Cukry Nyskie that you have been associated with them for so many years?

    Whether they have something that big – I don’t know, but I feel connected to this company.
    I became its member and founder – which made me even more attached to it. It may sound grandiose, it may sound proud, but the members of the cooperative are co-owners of this company. This gives satisfaction, but involves making many decisions with the other Co-owners, the Management Board, etc. I was pleased to watch the development of the company, which I had an influence on. It was a pity to leave it. During my career, I had two job offers: in “Celpa” in Łambinowice, which has not existed for 20 years, and in Warsaw, where I would trade cocoa beans. I didn’t accept offers, I guess I got scared and finally didn’t take any of them. Just like my father, who worked for 41 years at Zakład Energetyczne, I value stability. I, 200 meters from Him, worked even more years in Cukray Nyskie. I guess it’s the family burden (laughs) that is the basis of my consistency. It’s just that the changes in my life aren’t exactly…cool. Perhaps I feel fear of high risk, but certainly other elements have arranged in my life in such a way that this job should not be changed.

  • What was the turning point in Cukra Nyskie?

    When I came to work, we were a “Społem” plant – also a cooperative, but in structures it looked different. It was not until October 1, 1990 that the company was returned to the members of the cooperative who became involved in its development. Production was increased, the assortment was extended, equipment and production lines were replaced and the plant was expanded. Of course, it was different, sometimes there were profits, sometimes there were losses, and my long-term involvement in cooperatives was one of the factors why I stayed here. I witnessed the development of Cukier Nyskie. Many people left for various reasons, but what mattered to me was the fact that I could be promoted, earn more and feel more and more satisfied with my job and the knowledge I gained. I was also active in many youth organizations, I was constantly involved in various events that developed me.

  • What would you advise young people starting their careers?

    I would advise young people not to necessarily work in one company for decades. Of course, you shouldn’t jump from flower to flower, but after six or seven years, it’s worth changing your job, gaining a different experience, transferring it to a new place, but also coming with rich experience, transferring it to a new workplace. These are different times. Stabilization used to be common and desirable, and what is currently happening in technology and what opportunities it gives is something unprecedented. It is worth using it, developing, learning – constantly learning something new.
    I remember coming to work. There were requests for phone calls on pieces of paper, all documents were written down by hand, the first mobile phones, the Internet, other things appeared, until today, when we have a whole lot of these technological facilities. I used to get tired of faxing, now we write e-mails. In general, everything has changed during these 50 years, but the changes seem to be justified and necessary.

  • What would you like to wish for your Golden Jubilee?

    Health, so normal … health, and what will happen next with me in Cukrany Nyskie – I don’t know yet, because life, as it turns out, can be unpredictable.

We would like to thank Mr. Ryszard and, as requested, we wish you health!


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